The High Stakes Of Wall Street Are Revealed In “The Underwriting”

thThe Underwriting imagined the sex, lies, and extravagance of the people surrounding a public offering of a private company. Hook was an online dating site with an app that allowed users to find other users near them to assist in late night hook ups. There were a lot of characters who carried the story and each one took on a larger narrative as the plot focused more on their involvement. The emotional characters possessed traits that made them seem more like immature college kids than power players controlling Wall Street, but all were entertaining. 

Nick and Todd were the typical Wall Street villains – men so focused on money they forget what it meant to have morals. Tara was the smart analyst everyone doubted because of her beauty, while Neha was discredited because she wasn’t pretty enough. As Todd, Tara, and Nick tried to get everything in order for the Hook offering under an incredibly tight deadline, computer programmer Juan stumbled upon information about a murder that could derail Hook’s entire business. The author clearly was a Wall Street insider, as the inner workings of the sale was described plainly enough that any reader could easily understand what was happening, but with enough detail to give the book authenticity.

I liked the way the novel was written, but noticed that the characters’ voices were not all that distinct from each other. Some of the expressions used by the characters were hilarious! Each person was unique and engaging in their own way.  I also could have used a tad bit more information regarding how everyone moved on after the big conclusion.

Overall the book was fun to read and very entertaining.

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